
Hand Written Tesitmonials

“It has been such a blessing to see firsthand the profound impact that the David Tolani Foundation has had on our students and families at Tree of Life.  Through tragedy, the Tolani family and the Foundation have beautifylly and vulnerably shared David’s story to carry out their calling and the Foundation’s mission to turn loss into a legacy of strength by leading children to know the love of Christ. 

Thank you for allowing Tree of Life and our students, families and staff to be a part of what God is continuing to orchestrate though the Foundation and the legacy of David’s impactful life. 

We are grateful

Yohanna Hill

Chief Advancement Officer Tree of Life Schools

To the Tolani Family,
I would like to thank you from the bottom of my heart for blessing so many of my students through your foundation.  My families were so very touched by your abundant generosity and the beautiful words of truth you spoke over their children’s lives. You inspired so many of the students and it was a blessing to watch God responding powerfully in their lives.
Colleen Hoffman

Elementary Principal, Clintonville Campus

Your passion for our Lord Jesus inspires us all. For many years, your hard work and insightful vision has been effective in building God’s Kingdom. In amazing and beautiful ways, you have redeemed tragedy by celebrating David’s life through the blessing of the next generation. In doing so, you never fail to give glory to His and call His body higher. Thank you for choosing to pour your kind favor on Tree of Life students. Your family has become a key part of ours.

We are grateful to God for you.

Todd Marrah

Superintendent, Tree of Life Christian Schools

It has been a pleasure walking alongside your family over the years.  From having fun-loving Daniel in my class during my first year at PCA to having sweet Faith and all of her bubbly-ness.  Then memories of David scampering through the halls and delivering a cheeky smile to Isaac on this way to the drinking fountain still make me smile.  And now, the Tolani foundation has made a very significant impact on dozens of families from the school.  I am so grateful to be a part of what the Lord is doing through this amazing organization.  As Feye so clearly shows when she shares your family’s story each year at the shoe giveaway, you consistently relied on the Lord to show you what He would do with the “mess” and it is an encouraging and faith-building reminder to all of us.

May this anniversary be a reminder of all of His goodness.

Blessed to be partnering with you

Judy Hoban

What an incredible honor it was to sit and listen to the testimony of Mrs Tolani and how the tragedy her son went through has taken her to a place of sharing her story to bring glory to God.  The way she spoke life into our son as she reminded him who he was created to be in Christ and the purpose and plan God has for his life was powerful and unforgettable.  I had tears streaming down my cheeks as I saw someone who took what could have been used to build resentment and bitterness and built it into an incredible foundation that speaks life into other young boys urging them to see God in everything they do and to bring Him glory with their lives.  It was the most humbling experience to witness a mother who is so in tune to the goodness of God that even in her deepest pain she is changing lives to impact them for eternity.  Joey and I were both very touched and the shoes will always hold a special place in our hearts as every time he wears them he is reminded that God has a purpose for his life and that he has opportunities every day to share the love of Jesus with those around him daily.

So grateful for the generosity and most of all the testimony that impacted our hearts forever

Colleen Caruso

On behalf of the Sesay Family, I would like to sympathize with your family for the demise of your beloved son , for the bible says in everything let give thanks ,we thank God for the years David spent on earth & now he is resting at the bosom of  Abraham.

 As parent we were thrilled when informed by the school that our son was nominated as a recipient for the Tolani shoe foundation give-away due to certain qualities he has shown towards others,  Jeremiah 1 v 4-5, it was ordained that through him (David),  the Tolani Foundation will be established and  will be a blessing to so many children in diverse ways, will encourage them to love the Lord even the more , be kind and compassionate to others and indeed it has been so for my son .

As the Tolani Foundation is about to celebrate its 7th anniversary, I pray that God will enable you all to continue the vision, and comfort  and  strengthen you. I pray that many souls will be won and transformed for the lord and God’s many blessings .

Sessay Family

WOW!  I am in absolute shock!  What an honor and a blessing.  

This email had me scared when I first saw my son’s name, Bryce in the subject line.  I immediately thought, was he hurt, or in some sort of trouble.  Never was I expecting to read that he, along with a couple other of his classmates were being gifted a pair of Kyrie Irving basketball shoes.  I am truly thankful to the Tolani family for this generous gift, and I am equally thankful to the Tree of Life teachers for nominating Bryce.

Every morning when I drive Bryce to school, I tell him to be a blessing to someone, to be kind, to use God like words and to have God like thoughts, and to focus and ignore distractions.  It is refreshing to know that he is being blessed for his efforts.  I’m really thankful that Tree has been so welcoming to Bryce.

Thank you again to the Tolani family and to the Tree of Life teachers, administrators and staff!


Wow, thank you so much for your kind email and for the blessing of those shoes for Eli! I’m so sorry that the Tolani family has had such a grief-filled road. I can’t imagine that pain of losing your son. I will be praying for them, and would love to express my gratitude if you think they would be open to receiving that directly from me. If so, would you mind sending me their email address?

If not, that’s totally fine, please let them know as you have the opportunity that we are so grateful for their generous gift and are praying for their family!

 Thank you to the teachers also, I will send them a thank you. 🙂

God Bless
