Message of heaven Sharing the hope of heaven

"Heaven is Real"

David Olamide Tolani


Make a difference today

Greater Tomorrow

Providing financial support for both tuition fees and essential needs, guaranteeing that insufficient resources do not obstruct a child’s capacity to learn and develop.


The Mides is the brand name of our basketball apparel. Our aim is to donate Mides apparel to underprivileged children who demonstrate a passion for basketball and athletics.


This is annual event is held for one-week during the Summer where young basketball enthusiasts from grades K-8 are trained under the guidance of professionally trained basketball coaches.

Annual Events

Basketball Camp

David’s passion for the game of basketball was unreal, and his favorite player was Kyrie Irving. He wanted to demonstrate his God-given skill in the NBA like his basketball hero. Much more than that, he wanted to spread God’s love through basketball.

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Shoe Give Away

Twenty-four kids from grades 1-8 are beneficiaries of Nike basketball shoes from great players like Lebron James, Kyrie Irving, and Steph Curry. The shoes were Christmas gifts to these kids through the David Tolani Foundation as part of the annual basketball shoe giveaway.

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Upcoming events

Throughout the year, we have opportunities to bless the community around us.  Here is some of the activities that are upcoming.

Join us as we unveil a new chapter of the David Tolani Foundation.  God has been faithful in sustaining us, now he is directing us to expand the vision.

The 2024 Basketball Camp will run through the week of second week of July.

Every year, we take time out to give out shoes to a select group of students.


More about DTF

About David
A boy who loved God

David was a boy who loved God.  He had a loving heart that touched everyone he met.  David loved to give, he loved to share what he had.  Everyone who came across him, soon learned how much his love for basketball revolved around everything he did. 

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About DTF
Our Mission & Vision

Turning a tragedy into a legacy of strength, our mission is to lead and teach children to know the love of Christ, to build strong Godly character, and to be the catalyst for positive change via the means of a game of basketball.

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Checkout news & updates

Colleen Caruso Founder

What an incredible honor it was to sit and listen to the testimony of Mrs Tolani and how the tragedy her son went through has taken her to a place of sharing her story to bring glory to God. The way she spoke life into our son as she reminded him who he was created to be in Christ and the purpose and plan God has for his life was powerful and unforgettable.

Sesay Family Founder

As parent we were thrilled when informed by the school that our son was nominated as a recipient for the Tolani shoe foundation give-away due to certain qualities he has shown towards others, Jeremiah 1 v 4-5, it was ordained that through him (David), the Tolani Foundation will be established and will be a blessing to so many children in diverse ways...

Adrian Jenny Smith

WOW! I am in absolute shock! What an honor and a blessing. This email had me scared when I first saw my son's name, Bryce in the subject line. I immediately thought, was he hurt, or in some sort of trouble. Never was I expecting to read that he, along with a couple other of his classmates were being gifted a pair of Kyrie Irving basketball shoes.

Myra Myra

Wow, thank you so much for your kind email and for the blessing of those shoes for Eli! I’m so sorry that the Tolani family has had such a grief-filled road. I can’t imagine that pain of losing your son. I will be praying for them, and would love to express my gratitude if you think they would be open to receiving that directly from me.


Lives impacted by DTF !!

Over the years we have be privileged to share moments and gifts with some children that have shown.  Here are some kind words from parents of the children that received basketball shoes from DTF.

Let's change the world, Join us now!

It takes a village to raise a child.  Join us as we share the message of the Good News with the future leaders of this world.